Responses to the Coup d'etat in Honduras on Sunday June 28, with special emphasis on producing English-language versions of commentaries by Honduran scholars and editorial writers and addressing the confusion encouraged by lack of basic knowledge about Honduras.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"The history of Honduras is formed of all these personal histories"

Todo esto es parte de nuestra historia personal. Seguro que la historia de Honduras se forma con todas esas historias personales que tienen su propia particularidad, pero que coinciden en la lucha por la defensa de la democracia. Cada uno aporta o se manifiesta en diferentes maneras: Desde los blogs, redes sociales, en los diarios que aún permiten opiniones no alineadas con los golpistas", en youtube o mediante el enfrentamiento directo con los órganos represores.

All of this is part of our personal history. It is certain that the history of Honduras is formed of all these personal histories that have their own particularity, but that coincide in the struggle for the defense of democracy. Each one contributes or demonstrates in different ways: Through the blogs, social networking, in the newspapers that still permit opinions not aligned with the
golpistas, on YouTube or through the direct confrontation with the repressive forces.

Nosotros, apenas somos unos “cipotes” que tienen el "subversivo" acto de leer libros; "enemigos de la paz y democracia" que no "entendemos" que las acciones puestas en marcha por los golpistas desde el 28 de junio son muestras del patriotismo contra el comunismo y el chavismo.

We are barely some "kids" that have the "subversive" habit of reading books; "enemies of peace and democracy" that did not "understand" that the actions launched by the
golpistas since the 28th of June are examples of patriotism against communism and chavism.

Quizá cuando todo esto pase volvamos a los libros y de nuevo obviaremos la política, cosa que poco, es decir nada, nos había importando hasta el 28 de junio de 2009. De nuevo hoy, 22 de septiembre, tengo acceso a internet. Soy un asalariado que mientras está en toque de queda permanezco desconectado y a merced de los medios de comunicación local que construyen su "Paz y Democracia" con mentiras, tergiversación y manipulación de la verdad. Ahora me preparo para regresar a mi casa porque el toque de queda entra en vigencia a partir de las 5:00 pm. Honduras es una cárcel gobernada por trogloditas que "razonan" con garrote y plomo. Mientras tanto, la represión continúa en el país.

Perhaps when all this passes we will return to the books and again avoid politics, a thing that mattered to us very little, that is to say not at all, until the 28th of June of 2009. Again today, the 22nd of September, I have access to the internet. I am a wage-earner who remains disconnected while the curfew is in place and at the mercy of the local media of communication that construct their "Peace and Democracy" with lies, misrepresentation, and manipulation of the truth. Now I am preparing to return to my house because the curfew begins at 5 PM. Honduras is a jail governed by troglodytes who "reason" with the club and lead. Meanwhile, the repression continues in the country.

Carlos Rodríguez today on mimalapalabra, writing from San Pedro Sula where the struggle continues as it does in Tegucigalpa, with even less coverage internationally. Be well.

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