Responses to the Coup d'etat in Honduras on Sunday June 28, with special emphasis on producing English-language versions of commentaries by Honduran scholars and editorial writers and addressing the confusion encouraged by lack of basic knowledge about Honduras.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Your Tax Dollars At Work "Promoting" Democracy

The Unión Civica Democratica, a pro-coup organization that describes itself as made up of over 40 organizations supporting the ouster of president Manuel Zelaya announced today that it supports PCM-M-016-2009, the decree that suspends the constitutional rights of Honduran citizens for 45 days. Its spokesperson, Luz Ernestina Mejia specifically approved of the closing of Radio Globo and Channel 36. "We are against the repeated crimes of these journalists."

One of its member groups, the Generation for Change. Generacion Por Cambio describes (also found here) itself as "a politically independent organization of young adults" with "the primary objective of defending the Honduras Constitution and the rule of law against the administration of Manuel Zelaya Roslales and his Executive Branch of Government."

Generacion Por Cambio is a recipient of USAID funding for the development of democracy in Honduras. Gee, we spent money supporting a group that just came out in favor of the suspension of constitutional guarantees? Guess that was money well spent.


TITO said...

This is nothing new over here. I guess you might know this already, but Unión Cívica Democrática (UCD) and Generación X Cambio (GXC) are the exactly the same thing.

Luz Enerstina Mejia belongs to the Liberal Party.

Her only child, Lempira Lopez Mejía, is an active member of GXC. These "babysaurs" just keep repeating whatever their parents tell them.
Check out these lines in

# Mundo entero entiendan:GOLPISTAS SI! LADRONES NO!
6:41 AM Jul 21st from TwitterBerry

It's frustrating to know the kind of cynics we are dealing with!

Nell said...

For more detail: Back in early July, Eva Golinger outlined the USAID and other "democracy promotion" money to Honduras and who it goes to.

I especially love that we're funding COHEP; they're such a deserving group of plucky reformers struggling along on a shoestring.

Fun fact: "Democracy promotion" money is specifically exempted from being cut even if the U.S. formally declares a military coup and cuts all other funds.

RNS said...

Thanks Nell! I'll look at the link this afternoon after my students go.